Creator toolkit


Could you be growing faster or making more money? Karat Insights uses our real financial and social data to share insights with you.

The People's champion
Total income
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Yearly brand deals income

YT $246,325
$ 102,455
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Yearly AdSense income

YT $345,981
$ 240,780
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Yearly Other income

YT $13,942
$ 64,321
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Brand Deals

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Side Hustles

Creator toolkit


Are you particularly good at engaging with your community or maybe you're better at brand deals?

We analyze your financial & social stats to identify your strengths.

Creator toolkit

See how

Learn how you compare to other creators similar to you. See what you're doing better and where you can improve.

Creator toolkit

How we

We compare your stats with anonymized data from thousands of other top creators. Our mission is to help creators run their businesses better and by trying our calculator, you're providing knowledge that helps everyone.

Connect your socials

Link your financials

See your results

How we calculate
* This is for informational purposes only and any valuations are estimates for illustration purposes only. Actual appraised value may vary. Valuations are estimated based on our proprietary models and data available to and accessed by us, including data from third party providers, and do not constitute an appraisal of the subject property and should not be relied upon in lieu of underwriting or an appraisal. Valuations are based on speculative models that have not been verified or tested and do not represent a guarantee of future earnings. There are factors that we do not know that may impact the value of the property. For instance, any additional liens on your property would likely impact the value. This is not an offer for extension of credit or a commitment to lend. All products are subject to underwriting and approval. Applications are required and subject to underwriting approval for any loan products. Not all creators will qualify.

Creator Calculator

Could you be growing faster - or making more money? Our creator calculator analyzes our finances & socials to share insights with you.

Understand your business better

Are you particularly good at engaging with your community - or maybe you're better at brand deals? We analyze your financial & social stats to identify your strengths

Understand your business better

Are you particularly good at engaging with your community - or maybe you're better at brand deals? We analyze your financial & social stats to identify your strengths

See how you compare

Learn how you compare to other creators similar to you - and see what you're doing better and where you can improve

See how you compare

Learn how you compare to other creators similar to you - and see what you're doing better and where you can improve

How we calculate

We compare your stats with anonymized data from thousands of other top creators. Our mission is to help creators run their businesses better - and by trying our calculator, you're providing knowledge that helps everyone

How we calculate

We compare your stats with anonymized data from thousands of other top creators. Our mission is to help creators run their businesses better - and by trying our calculator, you're providing knowledge that helps everyone
* This is for informational purposes only and any valuations are estimates for illustration purposes only. Actual appraised value may vary. Valuations are estimated based on our proprietary models and data available to and accessed by us, including data from third party providers, and do not constitute an appraisal of the subject property and should not be relied upon in lieu of underwriting or an appraisal. Valuations are based on speculative models that have not been verified or tested and do not represent a guarantee of future earnings. There are factors that we do not know that may impact the value of the property. For instance, any additional liens on your property would likely impact the value. This is not an offer for extension of credit or a commitment to lend. All products are subject to underwriting and approval. Applications are required and subject to underwriting approval for any loan products. Not all creators will qualify.